Tuesday, July 2, 2013


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the course of your long life, I estimate you
will come up with approximately 60,000 really good ideas. Some of these
are small, like those that help you decide how to spend your weekend.
Some are big ones, like those that reveal the best place for you to live. As
your destiny unfolds, you go through phases when you have fewer good
ideas than average, and other phases when you're overflowing with them.
The period you're in right now is one of the latter. You are a fountain of
bright notions, intuitive insights, and fresh perspectives. Take advantage
of the abundance, Taurus. Solve as many riddles and dilemmas as you

A good message for a morning after meeeeeeeetings where ideas are squished....another good message; steer the course keep the focus.

Smiles for now.

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