Wednesday, March 12, 2014

words listed

recently advised by my advisor to write a list of words regarding what I hope to elicit with the work installation.....

looking through notes, found this gem;

"self portrait-framing certain tasks with in activities for daily life"

"aesthetic that has a performative aspect"

"using domestic aesthetic as a bridge between humanity and narrative"

"acknowledges that we are fleeting and changing beings"

"celebrates and communicates the cyclical nature of humanity"

"honesty and poignancy"

"repetitive obsession"


nurture *  memory *comfort *obsession *mother *celebration* ghost* past* look* watch *fear* grandmother *wisdom *thought *anxiety *overdone *try too hard *control *loss *life* fear *endurance* lack of control* trying too hard white* middle class* breakable *approachable *non approachable* white on white* very personal place*universal themes of humanity*we are fleeting and changingbeings*durationalperformances*process*chance*time*endurance*repetition*repetitive obsession*reassurance*been there done that*try as you might*can I hold your hand?*is that really how it was?*

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